
Wednesday 8 October 2014

Imperfection is Perfection

Perfection is a state of being complete, having everything and without faults or weakness. At least that's what Oxford Dictionary says. 
I was laying on the sofa on a faithful night, I was really really bored and couldn't sleep. I switched on the TV to see If I can find anything interesting to watch, while I was flipping through the channels, a program caught my attention on E! Called "Botched".

A quick summery of what "Botched" is all about. Botched is a surgical reality program/show to rectify a plastic-surgery-gone-wrong surgery for people who taught God didn't do a good job while creating them and decided to take a plastic surgery to make "God's imperfection" perfect. crazy, IKR!. But this show is a perfect example of a good deal gone bad but like a song says "there is a way when there seems to be none" and God will always prove how awesome he is and no one can be like him, but we humans are just too ignorant to understand that. I wonder if the story of the guys trying to build a tower to heaven is actually not enough of a lesson.

To me, I believe we as human beings mostly worry about what people think about us as an individual and we let their verdict get to us, to the extent of going to any length just to please them which is soooo not cool. There was a time in my life where i cared more about how people feel about me, than I feel about myself. as I grew up, i realized, why please others when I am so uncomfortable with myself,  so I changed my what-do-you-think-about-me to a don't-judge-me kind of mentality. They say "you don't see yourself without the help of others" but their help is more of an opinion. which you have the power to take it all or take only the ones you think would make you a better person. Also, as human beings our desires are just so barbaric and insane. While watching Botched their was this 30year old man who made the 20year old singer, Justin Beiber his role. Because of his these man's mumulish (lol) desire he did everything possible to impersonate the singer such as getting a plastic surgery to make his face look like brother Justin i.e taking away 10years out of he's own surgically. To him, this is so cool but he didn't get the exact Justin's face not more 60% so he came to Botched to get a 100%, to bad for him Botched declined his surgery cause the show is in existence to help people with a plastic-surgery-gone-wrong to normal, not the other way round. Same thing goes for one other guy who wanted to be the No.1 Madonna impersonator but didn't get a 100% and he came to Botched and was denied surgery for the same reason. Now this is the most stupid one I saw one time like that on Dr.90210 I think, a guy who practically changed he's gender from male to female, trust me when I mean female I mean 98.3% female. My mouth was wide open throughout, and then I was wondering, is this guy trying to tell God "you should have made me a female but I'm gonna perfect you imperfection", same thing goes for people who get breast and butt orgmentation, I know there re a lot of reason why they do that but 80% of this people do it to look more attractive or get jobs. A coconut has a kind of bad appearance, when you break through all you'll find is sweetness. should the coconut say he is  imperfect?
"You can change your physically appearance to please other but how you feel about yourself is what matters t the end."

 Guys, we need to get something , you can't be what you are not, "you are fearfully and wonderfully made" I have a little bit of flat head, big lips (not like Jay-z sha) and a long feet when I mean long I mean a size 47 and trust me, I travel round stores before I get my size but then I believe I won't be as good looking as I am now If I had a round head, lips and a small feet. A pastor said to some teenagers in a teens camp with I was opportuned to be a part of, he said "my height is the perfect height, if you are tall than me you are not normal and if you are shorter than me you are equally abnormal." Which means he is perfect and contented with the height God gave him and he is just within the range of 5'6 and 5'8. You have to be happy with what you have, I noticed the this that we think make us look awkward or insignificant to other people is actually the thing that make us look unique, then I ask myself this question why should I trade my uniqueness for people who would still talk about me even if I was the most perfect person?, is it right to make the world happy and God's heart in tears? Is it worth it to loose your uniqueness to please the people of the world? If I hear!!!+

If you are fat you don't have to let others get to you, all u can do is to leave a health lifestyle, eat well and work out, you think you are short, you have big lips, you nose is too fat, you have a small butt, you are small in stature, etc. look closely, this things is actually what makes you different from others. There is a 90% chances that the aftermath of the solutions you look for to eliminate the things that makes you perfect ends up in a worst position than you were before the elimination. Deal with your insecurities and be happy,
It's only when you accept yourself for who you are that you will be accepted for what you are and what you stand for.
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1 comment:

  1. so inspiring sir, keep up the good work.
