
Saturday 26 March 2016

Arise And Shine

Text: Isaiah 60:1-7, 40:1-5

' Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory Of the lord has risen upon you ' Isa 60:1

     It is time for you to begin to engage your abilities, virtues and worth so that God's glory will be revealed and you could have achievements.  Men will begin to respect you when they see the glory of God upon you. If you want glory, you have to say goodbye to sin. Sin makes a man come short of God's glory, turn away from it!
    Your glory will shine in this new day the Lord had made. You are the light God has placed in strategic places to Shine but the question is, are you shining?
     I pray that God will give you the grace to rise up and exhibit the glory of the light that is deposited in you.

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